32個熱門品牌的著陸頁 Landing Page 設計




1. Medium的 "關於 "頁面

Medium的 關於登陸頁是登陸頁的完美例子,它簡單而又充滿了好奇心的訪問者的資訊。


Medium成功地精心打造了一個充滿想象力和視覺衝擊力的登陸頁面。它在每一個標題上都明確地表達了他們的行動號召和價值。他們的做法對目標受眾–讀者、作家、思想領袖、記者–這些自稱 "好奇心 "的人來說,具有不可思議的誘惑力。


當訪問者到達最後一個折頁時,那個Get Started的行動號召就更加吸引人了。哦,我們有沒有提到,這個著陸頁是用Webflow製作的!

2. DoorDash’s Dasher註冊





當訪問者繼續滾動時,他們會發現DoorDash詳細的 "How to dash "部分和最後的FAQ,通過向訪問者徹底解釋整個過程,進一步提高了品牌的可信度。這個登陸頁面很好地說服了訪客與DoorDash合作,並回答了他們可能有的任何問題。

3. Figma的UI登陸頁





4. 蘋果的Mac Pro登陸頁面

蘋果公司在品牌行銷和美學上對白色空間的運用,在科技行業中處於領先地位。這一點在他們的Mac Pro的登陸頁設計中體現得淋漓盡致。




在頁面的底部,蘋果公司用一個特別小眾的CTA結束,提示訪問者探索Mac Pro在增強現實中,除其他外,讓這些領域服務於線索生成的目的。

5. 分享平靜地



ShareCalmly了解它的受眾,並設計了它的主頁,在每個折頁中逐漸揭示其價值主張。他們在頁面的底部用一個久經考驗的 "聯繫我們 "的行動呼籲來結束。這對他們很有利,因為他們在頁面的其他部分有效地分享了他們產品的價值、功能、特點和價格。


6. ClickUp的思維導圖

ClickUp的Mind Maps著陸頁](Mind Maps in ClickUp™)是另一個很好的著陸頁案例,可以作為SaaS企業或科技領域創業公司的靈感來源。他們也遵循了傳統的布局,經常用於登陸頁設計–如果它被證明是有效的,為什麼不呢!



7. 米羅





8. 記憶力


Memorisely的著陸頁](Online UX/UI Design Bootcamp - Memorisely)採用了極簡的、文案驅動的設計,消除了噪音,只提供必要的內容–是什麼、為什麼、如何和推薦。

一個靜態的側邊欄菜單概述了課程的大綱,當訪問者在整個網頁上滾動時,會有一個 "立即報名 "的CTA按鈕–這是一個天才的補充。


9. Webflow的設計師

Webflow Designer產品頁






10. Shef

Shef的著陸頁](Shef | Authentic dishes. Homemade. Delivered.)是一個很好的例子,特別是對於尋求創建一個平台來擴大他們的影響力和產生潛在客戶的小企業主來說。



11. 市場的Stripe






12. 守夜人




13. Dropbox內容合作





14. Gusto的好處




15. 聰明

說到互動式設計,我們就來談談【智匯】(Wise, Formerly TransferWise: Online Money Transfers | International Banking Features),一個海外轉賬的平台。這個登陸頁面上的資訊很密集,但TransferWise在開篇的折頁上就包含了他們平台功能的互動Demo,清晰地傳達了他們平台的功能。這是一個_明智的選擇!


在滾動時,訪問者會看到一個密集的Demo,進一步擴展TransferWise的介紹性摺疊。著陸頁的最後一個 "了解更多 "CTA按鈕與實際消費群體的圖片並列,讓他們的目標受眾產生 "嘿,這看起來像我!"的想法,並說服他們使用Wise。

16. 管理員稅

Keeper Tax](Automatic tax write-offs for freelancers)的落地頁證明了落地頁講故事是沒有界限的,無論你的產品、服務或品牌,只要你有夢想,就有可行性。你只需要合適的設計師。(還有設計平台–這也是由Webflow帶來的!)。

Keeper Tax的登陸頁面本身就是一個故事。在頁面的頂部,訪問者看到了一個電話號碼文本欄位的選擇加入CTA和一個英雄圖像,顯示選擇加入記賬服務後會發生什麼。訪客可以立即想象自己參與到Keeper Tax的服務中。


17. Slack





18. 用Uber開車

我們都很熟悉這個汽車共享服務。然而,Uber的"Drive with Uber "登陸頁面卻不容忽視。




19. Mailchimp電子信箱行銷


人們都知道Mailchimp是有效的–品牌也意識到了這一點。他們將登陸頁面作為一個廣泛的指南,而不是推銷來詳細介紹他們的 “為什麼”。



20. Airbnb主人家

Airbnb的主機登陸頁面](Host your home on Airbnb)上榜了! 他們將精美的房屋圖片和關於主機工作原理的實用資訊交織在一起,說服遊客去嘗試。




21. 證明脈衝

證明](Proof Pulse - Social Proof Marketing Software Tool To Boost Sales)知道他們的產品Pulse是複雜的,這就是為什麼他們在產品登陸頁面開始時,用影片英雄形象來清除最初褶皺中的任何混亂。




22. Kajabi



在Start Free Trial CTA按鈕旁邊增加了一個說明性的入職影片,這也是他們登陸頁設計中另一個微妙而明智的選擇。這個頁面也是在Webflow!

23. Gemnote


Gemnote](Promotional Marketing Products - Gemnote)是另一個用Webflow製作的網站,它的登陸頁面相當令人印象深刻。




24. 行銷的織布機



我們看到的是一種傳統的創建著陸頁設計的方法,然而 Loom 精確的資訊傳遞和布局使這種設計與眾不同。



25. 緩衝區





26. 對講機客戶參與

另一個通過設計傳達複雜產品或服務價值的好例子,請查看[Intercom的客戶參與登陸頁](Conversational Customer Engagement Software | Intercom



27. 格子成長



如果訪問者碰巧感到困惑,不用擔心 - 頁面頂部有他們產品的影片Demo。

28. 天使名單風險

AngelList Venture](https://angellist.com/)重新設計了如何使用登陸頁面來推銷新的企業和招募新的投資者(他們使用Webflow做到了這一點)!


他們利用實際投資人和接受這些資金的人的即時推文來為他們說話。這種加入確實有很大的作用。它使AngelList Venture的努力人性化,並給他們的平台進一步的可信度。

29. 企業的Talkspace

Talkspace通過選擇過渡和動態圖形,將他們的Talkspace for Business登陸頁面人性化,將他們的資訊與網頁連接起來,使其與目標受眾產生共鳴。


30. VanMoof S3

蘋果為產品網頁設計樹立了新的標準,而VanMoof的設計團隊也迎難而上,為【VanMoof的S3】(VanMoof S3 | VanMoof)設計了登陸頁。


瀏覽這個登陸頁面,你想要的不是普通的自行車,而是新一代的VanMoof S3。而這一切都歸功於完美的網頁設計。

31. Misfits市場


品牌是這個著陸頁的真正冠軍。Misfit Market聰明地使用修辭的原則來說服他們的目標受眾的價值。

32. Webflow著陸頁使用案例





所以,你有它 - 我們的一些最好的登陸頁設計的詳盡列表,你會發現在線。我們希望你喜歡這些網頁設計,並發現這些例子既深刻又鼓舞人心。





In short, the best landing pages are persuasive and poignant. They are designed to beautifully communicate a brand’s value and call to action (CTA) while also increasing conversion rates and consumer engagement.

32 landing page designs from popular brands

Here’s a list of 32 landing page designs to spark some inspiration:

1. Medium’s About page

Medium’s About landing page is the perfect example of a landing page that’s simplistic yet filled to the brim with information for the inquisitive visitor.

They tell a story. With a play on typography and copy as its central design motif, Medium tells a story of inspiration and the celebration of curiosity from the top of the page down to the final fold on the bottom of the page.

Medium manages to carefully craft a landing page that is imaginatively on the nose and visually sound. It explicitly states their call to action and value on just about every header. And they do so in a manner that is incredibly alluring to their target audience of readers, writers, thought leaders, journalists — the self-proclaimed “curious minds” as a whole.

Medium knows how to communicate and sell their brand, messaging, and value proposition to their audience.

By the time a visitor reaches the final fold, that Get Started call to action is all the more appealing. Oh, did we mention, this landing page was made in Webflow!

2. DoorDash’s Dasher sign up

Sometimes, the key to designing a great landing page is the execution of the messaging. DoorDash’s Dasher sign up page is a testament to this notion. It’s designed to secure high conversion rates.

DoorDash expertly executes the standard page design for service providers. But don’t be misguided by thinking it’s merely an onboarding page. Rather, look at the content on the page.

A visitor is greeted with a call to action and sign up field, which guides them to register and get started dashing for DoorDash.

Visitors seeking more information on the brand before signing up can keep scrolling to a section that explains what DoorDash is, followed by a section that explains why you should work for DoorDash.

As the visitor continues on scrolling, they’ll find DoorDash’s detailed “How to dash” section and an FAQ in the final fold, further hammering in the brand’s credibility by thoroughly explaining the whole process to visitors. This landing page does an excellent job of persuading visitors to work with DoorDash and answering any questions they may have.

3. Figma’s UI landing page

Figma has become one of the most preferred UI design platforms among the user experience community — and for good reason.

Just by looking at Figma’s UI landing page, a visitor sees the platform’s what, value, and call to action immediately on the initial fold. That’s an impressive feat (and one that’s often overlooked).

Similar to DoorDash, Figma follows the traditional design of great landing pages. Figma starts with a hard-hitting introductory fold and follows it up with fields that demonstrate their value, their what, their why, and their how. They conclude with a list of major brands that use their platform, thus solidifying their credibility in the visitor’s mind in just a page. Credibility is huge for onboarding new clientele.

Perhaps this sharp design has helped them become one of the top UX/UI design platforms on the market. If it’s not the design, then it’s the choice signup CTA button that hovers over the landing page throughout the entire scroll.

4. Apple’s Mac Pro landing page

Apple leads the tech industry in superior marketing and aesthetic use of white space in their branding. This is evident in their landing page design for the Mac Pro.

The power is in the scroll and its interactive capabilities when used effectively. The landing page tells a story, unveiling each paragraph with a flick of a finger.

Yet this particular landing page isn’t designed for a typical Apple consumer, and it differs slightly from their other web pages. The company is well aware of their target audience for this product: creative professionals — think photographers, videographers, film and photo editors — in need of a device suited for processing massive amounts of raw footage and data. Apple combines their traditional aesthetic with a sleek appeal of professionality and technical prestige to better speak to their target audience.

Apple begins their narrative in their traditionally minimalist fashion and sprinkles all the relevant information concerning specifications of their latest technology throughout the rest of the page.

At the bottom of the page, Apple concludes with an especially niche CTA, prompting the visitor to explore the Mac Pro in augmented reality, among other things, allowing those fields to serve a lead generation purpose.

5. ShareCalmly

ShareCalmly is a great example for startups and small businesses drawing a blank on their landing page design, and it’s made in Webflow!

Sometimes, the strength behind a great landing page is simply in a brand’s ability to communicate its messaging cohesively. This is where it’s crucial to know your target audience and the value they are seeking.

ShareCalmly knows its audience and designs its homepage to gradually reveal its value proposition in each fold. They conclude with a tried-and-tested “get in touch” call to action at the bottom of the page. This works in their favor as they have effectively shared their product’s value, functionality, features, and pricing throughout the rest of the page.

ShareCalmly has managed to eliminate any lingering confusion for the visitor, and thus, the final prompt to get in touch is fitting.

6. ClickUp’s Mind Maps

ClickUp’s Mind Maps landing page is another great landing page example to serve as inspiration for SaaS businesses or startups in the tech sector. They too follow a traditional layout often used in landing page designs — if it’s proven to work, why not!

However, what makes ClickUp’s landing page design stand out among others is how it incorporates the brand identity throughout the page. You’re completely immersed in their design, particularly their product visuals and candy-like color scheme.

A CTA email opt-in form field at the bottom of the page is a fitting conclusion for a page that opens with the same email opt-in form field.

7. Miro

Another SaaS landing page design that can serve as a great template to draw inspiration from is Miro’s landing page for their online brainstorming tool.

Similar to ClickUp, Miro uses an opening hero image and subsequent graphics to visually communicate and display their product’s value to their target audience. However, Miro takes this concept and runs with it, incorporating mesmeric motion graphics to visually demonstrate the functionality of their products in each fold.

They weave in a testimonial to reaffirm their credibility and a registration opt-in before concluding with a call-to-action prompt for the visitor to discover more of their brand’s value and product’s capabilities.

8. Memorisely

Online learning skyrocketed in 2020. Some platforms mastered the art of streamlining this virtual experience, and some still are working out the kinks. This particular platform falls in the former category, scaling their reach perhaps due to their effective landing page!

Memorisely’s landing page features minimal, copy-driven design that eliminates the noise and serves up only the necessary — what, why, how, and testimonials.

A static sidebar menu outlines the course’s curriculum with a Enroll Now CTA button as the visitor scrolls throughout the web page — a genius addition.

Memorisely has by far one of the best landing page examples for a learning/education platform, and it’s made in Webflow!

9. Webflow’s Designer

Our Designer landing page is a great example of a landing page design. In particular, this is a great example for SaaS companies in need of a so-called designer’s push in the right direction.

Similar to Apple’s web design, we’ve incorporated the power of the scroll to unveil the Designer’s capabilities with a simple flick of the finger.

Scrolling can be an ideal way to organize the content within a web page as it immerses the visitor in the page and tells a story in the process.

We open with a call to action at the top of the page and conclude with one too, prompting the user to get started and eliminating any hesitations by putting this CTA button alongside a list of some of our most notable clientele.

And, of course, this landing page was made in Webflow.

10. Shef

Shef’s landing page is a great example particularly for small business owners seeking to create a platform to expand their reach and generate leads.

They use a similar approach in their design to DoorDash, starting with a hero image and CTA button up top, then revealing the platform’s what, why, how, various testimonials, and additional features — reaffirming the value they provide for inspired chefs and foodies alike.

Shef’s landing page concludes with an appropriate FAQ section and the same call to action from the opening of their page, tying it all together.

11. Stripe for marketplaces

Stripe’s marketplace landing page is a shockingly gorgeous web page!

Their initial fold opens with a tastefully designed motion graphic, presenting the functionalities of the platform and subtly flexing their well-known clientele.

This fold is notable as it could serve as a stand-alone — it shows the visitor, at first glance, what exactly Stripe does as well as their value.

Upon scrolling, visitors see a detailed (and interactive) presentation of Stripe’s capabilities, who their target market is, and why this marketplace needs the visitors’ services, particularly ecommerce industries.

This is essentially a bullet-point presentation of a pitch and value proposition transformed into a web page, and it works in Stripe’s favor.

12. Nightwatch

Nightwatch is another fabulous landing page designed with Webflow worth noting on our list. With their peculiar graphic art and memorable brand identity, Nightwatch boldly sets itself apart from other rankings, SEO, and SERP service providers.

They follow a template of claim, support, and graphic, repeating the template down the page before concluding with questions to encourage the visitor to get started via a CTA button.

The success of Nightwatch’s landing page is through the introductory hero image of their cheeky take of an Illuminati-esque eye over a pyramid, precise copy that displays their profound skill and knowledge within this niche sector, and rhetorical approach to displaying their value to their niche market throughout their entire web page.

13. Dropbox content collaboration

Following a similar mold to DoorDash and Shef, Dropbox utilizes the tried-and-tested approach for their content collaboration’s landing page design.

Dropbox uses simplistic and minimal white space as its driving force to carry its design, carefully incorporating copy and imagery when necessary.

We are greeted with an aesthetic motion graphic that visually communicates the platform’s claim of collaboration, as well as a CTA button prompting the visitor to try the platform for free.

The visitor scrolls to find a quaint layout on the rest of the page that further explains the features of the Dropbox platform, as well as a choice FAQ, a lineup of additional features, and a final CTA at the bottom of the page. Sometimes, less is more.

14. Gusto benefits

Gusto’s landing page proves that sometimes it’s best to break from the mold and create a standout web page that sets your brand apart from the competition. Gusto’s landing page design is quite exciting. Their interactive design takes a mundane subject like employee benefits (no offense) and invokes a feeling of play.

While the rest of the page follows a traditional landing page design typical to SaaS providers, Gusto’s incorporation of this interactive feature at the top makes their landing page enticing and different.

A visitor is given complex information in a bite-sized chunk with the click of a button. This is what makes Gusto’s landing page work — they know their target audience and how to use interactive design to convey and validate their audience’s needs. A visitor is given the impression of full control, reaffirming that this platform is for them.

15. Wise

While we’re on the subject of interactive design, let’s talk about Wise, a platform for transferring money abroad. The information on this landing page is dense, but TransferWise includes an interactive demonstration of the functionality of their platform on the opening fold to clearly communicate what their platform can do. This is a wise choice!

Similar to Stripe, this initial fold could be a stand-alone web page as it effectively communicates the brand’s what, why, how, value, and call to action without even having to scroll further. It’s immersive.

Upon scrolling, a visitor is shown a dense demonstration that further expands on TransferWise’s introductory fold. The landing page concludes with a final “find out more” CTA button juxtaposed with images of the actual consumer base, leaving their target audience with the thought of, “Hey, that looks like me!” and persuading them to use Wise.

16. Keeper Tax

Keeper Tax’s landing page proves that landing page storytelling has no bounds, no matter your product, service, or brand — if you dream it, it’s feasible. You just need the right designer. (And design platform — this is also brought to you by Webflow!)

Keeper Tax’s landing page is a story within itself. At the top of the page, the visitor sees an opt-in CTA for a phone number text field and a hero image showing what happens upon opting in for the bookkeeping service. Immediately, the visitor can imagine themselves participating in Keeper Tax’s services.

Motion graphics appear as the visitor scrolls throughout the rest of the page, further detailing the features, what, why, how, and pricing. The story comes to a close with a call to action for the visitor to get started before concluding with an essential and insightful FAQ field at the bottom of the page, completely answering the visitor’s questions.

17. Slack

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve heard of and maybe even used Slack.

Slack has risen as the go-to platform for workplace communication and collaboration, being the main platform for both new and old industries. That’s impressive.

Their landing page is brief, only containing the relevant information for the visitor — what the platform is, its features, and its credentials.

We’re given introductory and concluding calls to action for the visitor to download the app — Slack is well aware that if you’re on this landing page, you’re probably just looking for that download link.

18. Drive with Uber

We’re all familiar with this car-sharing service. However, Uber’s “Drive with Uber” landing page isn’t something to overlook.

This webpage is worth noting due to a central feature: an onboarding form field to become a driver.

This page exists to onboard potential drivers. Uber displays only the relevant information on the page, optimizing the content by eliminating any potential confusion and sticking to the basics.

If you’re looking to design your own landing page to onboard new subscribers, whatever your business or service, Uber’s landing page can serve as inspiration.

19. Mailchimp email marketing

A marketer’s must-have for email marketing, Mailchimp has aided in the growth and success of many small businesses and startups alike.

People know that Mailchimp works — and the brand is aware of this. They use their landing page as an extensive how-to guide, rather than a pitch to detail their “why.”

Mailchimp details their product’s features through charming illustrations and wireframe visuals showcasing their software’s drag-and-drop builder, marketing automation, reports and analytics, email templates, store integrations, and so on.

This landing page is extensive, to say the least, leaving no stone unturned for the visitor.

20. Airbnb host homes

Airbnb’s host landing page has made the list! They weave together beautiful images of homes and practical information about how hosting works to persuade visitors to give it a try.

From the top of the page to the bottom of the page, Airbnb showcases idyllic experiences that visitors can create for their guests through the platform.

These visuals are why this landing page works. Moreover, the placement of the chosen visuals and copy showcases the Airbnb design team’s careful consideration when designing this landing page. It’s incredible.

Airbnb concludes their landing page with a gorgeous image that invokes a sensation of wonder. Underneath this image, a call to action beckons the visitor to find out more by entering their email and/or phone number to receive additional information and gain access to Airbnb’s live webinars.

21. Proof Pulse

Proof knows their product Pulse is complex, which is why they begin their product landing page with a video hero image that clears up any confusion in the initial fold.

This is smart on their end. It gives them space to expand on the content within the video throughout the rest of the web page.

The content is dense but necessary to include on the landing page. Modern and colorful visuals showcase the platform’s interface. A comprehensive list of its features such as A/B testing, analytics, and so on, as well as support for the platform’s claim of being the number one social proof tool for SaaS companies, make up the middle of the page.

Each fold of the landing page builds on the next until its grand conclusion with appropriately placed testimonials and a call to action to get started for free. Oh, and did we mention, this landing page was made in Webflow?

22. Kajabi

At first glance, Kajabi’s landing page may seem like your typical landing page. However, if you take a second look and pay close attention to the page’s copy, and its target audience, you’ll find why this landing page works so well.

When you’re reaching out to a new market, you need to be concise in your messaging. Kajabi does this well. They’ve minimized any potential confusion by including only the essential information for their target market.

The addition of an explanatory onboarding video placed precisely beside their Start Free Trial CTA button is another subtle yet intelligent choice on their landing page design. This page was also made in Webflow!

23. Gemnote

Gemnote, another website made with Webflow, has quite an impressive landing page.

Their interactive graphic, located just below the page’s initial fold, is particularly interesting. Instead of a pop-up, Gemnote opted for a more creative take on registration.

Not only is the registration graphic creative in its design as a submission form field, but it demonstrates to the visitor how streamlined it is to start using Gemnote’s services.

The rest of the page consists of aesthetic imagery of the curated and customized products — and more importantly, the high quality of said products. The landing page is a perfect example of how to effectively entice a visitor with each flick of the finger as they continue scrolling on the web page.

24. Loom for Marketing

Loom has quickly become a favorite tool for a variety of use cases. It’s been incorporated as a marketing tool for brands such as HubSpot, Lacoste, Intercom, and so on.

You can understand how Loom has managed to secure conversion rates and lead generations so quickly by looking at their landing page.

We see a traditional approach to creating a landing page design, yet Loom’s precise messaging and layout sets this design apart.

Loom has crafted each fold to build upon the next. Starting with a solid claim, support, and CTA in their initial fold, Loom follows with the claim and support model up until their conclusion.

They conclude with a lineup of their impressive clientele, effectively conveying Loom’s value to visitors.

25. Buffer

If you offer a complex service for the average individual and you’re having trouble compelling them to use your service or product, look no further than Buffer’s Analyze landing page.

Buffer’s choice usage of colorful and wholesome illustrations is both inviting and encouraging. And so is their language, with adjectives such as gorgeous to describe their product’s dashboard.

Buffer intentionally takes a subject that is typically associated with dread — social media analytics — and reimagines it as welcoming.

This is a wonderful reference for your own landing page if you have a product or service that is possibly incomprehensible to the average individual. A landing page design like Buffer’s dispels that overwhelming sensation of dread that could be keeping your target audience from onboarding.

26. Intercom Customer Engagement

For another great example of communicating the value of a complex product or service through design, check out Intercom’s Customer Engagement landing page.

They too have mastered the art of making the complex simple. Through employing pleasantly engaging motion graphics, an email opt-in video demo, and ever so concise copy, Intercom conveys a sense of ease and agility to its target audience.

This sense of ease is vital for increasing your conversion rates and generating new leads. People are more likely to invest in a new product or service when they actually understand said product or service.

27. Lattice Grow

Lattice understands the power of the scroll, and they’ve incorporated this power in their landing page design in Webflow!

Rather than using the power of the scroll as a storytelling device, Lattice goes a step further and implements this interactive tool to show the visual transformation their product offers.

If a visitor happens to be confused, no worries — the top of the page features a video demo of their product.

28. AngelList Venture

AngelList Venture reimagined how to use a landing page to pitch new ventures and onboard new investors (and they did so using Webflow)!

Each fold within the web page persuades visitors to invest in some of the best startups around the globe. But AngelList doesn’t depend solely on graphics and copy to communicate their value.

They utilize live Tweets from actual investors and recipients of such funds to speak for them. This inclusion truly goes a long way. It humanizes AngelList Venture’s efforts and gives further credence to their platform.

29. Talkspace for Business

Talkspace has humanized their Talkspace for Business landing page through choice transitions and motion graphics, connecting their messaging to their web page so it resonates with their target audience.

Take a look at their landing page and see for yourself. These subtle movements give a lifelike quality to their landing page design. Also, it’s worth noting that this was made in Webflow.

30. VanMoof S3

Apple has set a new standard for product web page design, and VanMoof’s design team has risen to the challenge with their landing page design for VanMoof’s S3.

The power of the scroll and their captivating visuals reveal an almost sensual and futuristic experience for VanMoof’s S3 next-gen model. Invoking these sentiments through page design is and always will be an innovative way to persuade an audience to invest in a product, regardless of the hefty price tag.

Scrolling through this landing page, you don’t want just any bike, you want the next-gen VanMoof S3. And it’s all thanks to immaculate web design.

31. Misfits Market

Misfits Market shows us it’s not always transformative landing page design that helps secure lead generation. Rather, it’s effectively translating your brand’s identity into website form.

The branding is truly the champion of this landing page. Misfit Market smartly uses the principles of rhetoric to persuade their target audience of their value.

32. Webflow landing page use case

To conclude our list, we’re featuring our own landing page about landing pages. Yes, we know, but we simply couldn’t resist!

Webflow’s landing page about landing pages is an extensive in-depth how-to guide for getting started designing your own landing page with our web builder platform.

This is quite a simple and straightforward web page. Its sole purpose is to provide visitors all the necessary information so that they’ll have both the means and confidence to get started designing their own landing page.

And with three choicely placed CTA buttons, detailed on-page resources, and a lineup of some of the most popular Webflow templates, getting started is a click away.

So there you have it — our exhaustive list of some of the best landing page designs you’ll find online. We hope you enjoyed these web designs and found these examples both insightful and inspiring.

Your landing page is your sales pitch

Great landing page design requires a deep understanding of your users problems and needs. Next time you go out and create a landing page, ask yourself, “would this page help me sell my product if I were to meet the customer in person?”

If the answer is no, make sure the content on your landing page is designed based on the AIDA format — grab your target audience’s attention, build interest and desire for your solution to their problem, and persuade the visitor to take action.

We hope the examples above give you some inspiration when designing your next landing page. And if you want to get started building your landing page in Webflow, be sure to check out our full landing page tutorial: