Website Development Questionnaire
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Welcome to our website development questionnaire! This tool is designed to help us understand your project needs thoroughly, ensuring we can tailor our services to meet your expectations effectively. Your responses will serve as the foundation for crafting a proposal that aligns with your goals and requirements.
Client Information
- Client Name:
- Project Description:
- Project Plan (if available):
- Timeframe:
- Start Design Phase:
- Start Development Phase:
- Receive First Draft of Static Content:
- Receive Final Static Content:
- Client Receives Access to CMS:
- Start Quality Assurance:
- Launch:
- Budget Range for Development:
- (Setting up a proposal is a time-consuming process. Therefore, it’s essential to ensure we are the right partner before proceeding.)
Site Structure
- Sitemap:
- (Include all necessary pages such as Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy, 404 Error Page, etc.)
Audience and Research
- Target Audience Description:
- Reasons for New Website:
- (What were the shortcomings of the previous website?)
- List of Competitor Websites:
- (This will help us assess performance benchmarks and set realistic goals.)
- Client’s Goals:
- (Define success criteria and metrics for measuring achievement.)
Content Strategy
- Draft Content Availability:
- Supported Languages:
- (Any anticipated changes in language support in the near future?)
- Content Types per Page:
- (Text, Images, Videos, Audio, Others)
Design Preferences
- Design Responsibility:
- Wireframes Availability:
- Design Formats:
- (Sketch, Figma, etc.)
- (Ensure inclusion of hover, active, and focus states.)
- Typography Details:
- Fonts Selection:
- Font License Acquisition:
- Font File Availability (woff & woff2):
- System Fonts for Fallback:
- Hosting Preferences:
- (Local server hosting vs. cloud-based services like TypeKit or Google Fonts)
Technology Stack
- Preferred Technology Stack:
- CMS Requirement:
- (If required)
- CMS Preference:
- Self-hosted or Headless:
- Update Frequency:
- Number of CMS Users:
Your detailed responses will enable us to create a comprehensive proposal tailored specifically to your project’s needs. Should you have any suggestions for improving this questionnaire, please feel free to share them with us. We value your feedback and are committed to delivering the best possible service.
Website Functionalities
Let’s dive into the functionalities your website needs to ensure it meets your goals and serves your audience effectively.
Front-end Functionalities
- Describe the desired front-end features such as:
- Carousel of images with controls and auto-play
- Newsletter subscription form or demo request form
- Confirmation email for contact form submissions
- Integrated videos using:
- Embed (Vimeo/Youtube)
- Default HTML5 player
- Custom HTML5 player
Back-end Functionalities
- Outline any back-end capabilities required, for example:
- Ability to manually sort projects in the CMS
Behavior and Animations
- Share any preferences regarding:
- Behavior, like a fixed header when scrolling
- Animations, such as elements animating in when scrolled into view
- Any other specific behavior or animation requirements
Browser and Device Support
- List the desired browser and device support based on your audience’s usage.
- Provide details like device name, operating system, browser name, and version.
- Consider existing website statistics from tools like Google Analytics.
- What is the largest screen size targeted? Additional breakpoints may be needed for larger screens.
Tracking and Analytics
- Current tracking setup:
- Is tracking integrated into the existing website?
- Any available tracking plan or strategy?
- Name of tracking service and specific pages or events to be tracked.
- Confirm if the site is publicly available to search engines.
Domain Details
- Domain to be used for the website:
- Is it currently in use?
- Where is it registered (e.g., GoDaddy)?
- Any associated email accounts?
- Will the domain be solely for the website or used for other purposes?
Hosting Preferences
- Hosting provider and server setup preferences.
- Any data migration requirements.
- Who will handle the deployment?
Quality Assurance
- Ideally, quality assurance should be conducted by an external partner, not the client or developers.
Launch Support
- Do you require extra support when the website goes live?
Post-launch Plans
- Outline any post-launch plans such as feature expansion or bringing development in-house.
Your detailed responses will help us craft a solution that aligns perfectly with your needs and objectives. If you have any additional thoughts or preferences, feel free to share them with us!