Xiaomi Pro EFI
Keyboard mapper
Touchpad fix (Elan)
Wifi + Bluetooth USB dongle
Mutilboot of Clover
装Nvidia WebDriver注意事项:
- NVidia原生Mac驱动列表 https://www.tonymacx86.com/nvidia-drivers/
- 安装前先用Clover Configurater打开config文件,在Rt Variables里的CsrActiveConfig改为0x00并重启
- 安装时如果报错问你要不要继续,请一定不要点继续,否则装完重启就进不了系统。报错是因为第2步没做对,请仔细检查。
- 安装WebDriver驱动成功后,打AGDPFix.app补丁。如果打补丁不成功,把CsrActiveConfig改为0x64或其他值重启再试
- 如果第3步你点了继续进不了系统,可以试一试在Clover开机界面 选项 -> 图形选项 中禁用NVidia独显驱动以进入系统,再重新安装
- 完成之后把CsrActiveConfig改为一开始你自己设定的值,否则可能之前装的声卡驱动会失效
用磁碟分割在 Hackintosh 用同一塊硬碟做 Windows
Audio headphone fix
So, I’ve installed the new update now. Everything works perfectly. Sound as well, from both speakers and the jack. Just be sure to run this
Step 1. Download and execute the file
Download this link and unzip it
Execute : ALCPlugFix/install双击自动安装.command
Step 2. Reboot the machine
Step 3. Done
and you’ll be set. It already clears the cache for you.
And if the sound comes out from your earphone still sound weird, all you need to do it replug your ear phone jack and it will be all set.
Complete steps:
- Usb with clover+macOS 10.3.3+daliansky’s EFI folder (merge it on top of the clover UEFI installation)
- Optional: Deactivate APFS either before or during the macOS installer (check Rehabman’s guides if you don’t know…)
- Run the script within that directory.
- Reboot
trackpad, it seems like you have to patch DSDT to make VoodooI2C work: https://voodooi2c.github.io/#GPIO%20Pinning/GPIO%20Pinning
i’m trying to offically turn my working desktop into mibook today, i connect my mibook to my two monitors and plug my previous USB mouse and using the wireless apple keyboard. However i found that the wireless keyboard works unstable, lost connection a lot, needs to open the system bluetooth window to stay connect (even so it lost connection still from time to time) not sure if it’s my problem or there’s solution. Just a report, thanksss
Hold on, how is that possible for you to use BLE in Xiaomi cuz I didnt enable it at the first place
hahaha i have a USB bluetooth receiver
ok after yesterday, this problem has been solved since i plugged that USB receiver to the Type C transport. but here comes the second thing is that the charging type C portal is also the one HDMI can use. it’s a bit complicated to explain my setting here now haha can talk about this when you’re back~~~
Fix iTune Crash issue
How to Delete the EFI file under Windows 10
- Mount EFI Disk https://superuser.com/questions/662823/how-do-i-mount-the-efi-partition-on-windows-8-1-so-that-it-is-readable-and-write
- User Exploer++ (as admin) to delete the file https://explorerplusplus.com/
Mount and Edit EFI in Windows
Fix EFI Folder (Boot directly fro Windows boot manager instead of Clover EFI)
There are many ways to dual boot Windows and Mac OS X with different boot loaders on MBR but for UEFI, there’s only Clover boot loader is capable if you set it up correctly. In order to dual boot with Clover by default, you need to install Clover to EFI folder –> rename bootmgfw.efi to bootmgfw-orig.efi in the efi/Microsoft/boot/ folder. When we renamed this bootmgfw.efi, the bios will boot from clover BOOTX64.EFI in the efi/boot/ folder and the Clover boot GUI will come up with all the Windows and Mac OS X partition for us to select and boot correctly.