Side Hustle share: Martech Database -

I’ve spent couple days this week to launch this side hustle - “A Martech Database - Martechie”, and it was powered by no-code and some basic Python web scraping I had many years ago, so thanks to those amazing no-code tool, now I am able to build a MVP like this in less than 10 hours.

Stacks I used in this project: Webflow, Xano, Zapier, Python, Vercel, and Airtable.

Just in case you don’t know me…

I’m founder of two companies, and a startup investor, a CEO/ CTO, Full-Stack developer, Art Director, Product Designer, Scrum master, and Writer.

And I just pick up a new title recently, I became a part-time “Indie Hacker” after work, and I have a history of over-working. Either working too much at my day job, or immediately picking up too many side-projects when I’m not over-working at my job.

I have been better about this in recent years, but I’ve also started getting into indie hacking. (For a really long time, my side-projects after working hours, were writing some blog, do some marketing & SEO, DevOps R&D, making tutorials for Webflow and NoCode Community or just building fun stuff). I have so many interests I have wanted to try for years, but I want to make sure I make time for family and self-care (I have never taken time for myself historically).

Are you, or were you previously, a part-time indie hacker, building on the side of your day job? I want to hear from you.

  • How do you maintain a balance between work, family, health, and your projects?
  • What frameworks, tools, mind-set, books, etc… have helped you attain this balance, or at least get closer to it?
  • Do you have a set schedule, or just hack when you have a spare moment?
  • Do you set specific goals? If so, are they high goals, or more reasonably attainable?
  • Do you keep your interests limited to 1 to 2 things at a time?

本周利用了幾天下班的時間在自宅沙發上作了這個 side project - “Martech資料庫–Martechie”,它是由 No Code 以及一些基本的Python 爬蟲所驅動網站,另外產品的架構是架在 No Code 基礎上,類似這樣的產品: 我評估不用 No Code 的話最少需要花上 100 +個小時與 3 種不同專業以上的團員才作的出來的產品,現在我能夠獨立在 10小時內建立一個這樣的MVP。

  • 這個項目中使用的 Tech Stack: Xano、Zapier、Python、Vercel 和 Airtable。
  • 生產力工具: Notion, FIgma, Webflow, MacBook Pro M1 Max


我是兩間公司的創始人, 新創公司的投資者, CEO/ CTO, 全棧開發者, 藝術總監, 產品設計師, Scrum 專家, AWS Solutions Architect, BlockChain/ Web3 enthusiast 和作家。

而我想分享的是最近剛找到一個全新的技能,我在工作之餘成為一個兼職的 “獨立黑客 Indie Hacker”,一直以來從創業之後,我總是處於一個 24 小時只要是醒著都在工作的壯態。要麼在日常工作中有太多工作事項需要完成,或有點空閒時間就會想要把那些平常累積的一堆想法從 Notion 拿出來摸一遍重頭研究一番。

這幾年我開始接觸到獨立黑客的概念,發現外國的社群有很多人都跟我有一樣的生活方式與思維 。(在很長一段時間裡,我在下班時候的興趣是寫一些部落格,做一些行銷和SEO,DevOps研發技術,為Webflow和NoCode社區做教程,或是在 AWS 上做一些有趣的 Hacking projects 與實驗…),但作為 Indie Hacker 利用下班時間,完全靠自己不靠團隊資源將 MVP 做出來的概念即便是我有 UI/ UX/ Full Stacker development 的經驗,我還是無法想像我會有時間花上 300-500 個小時以上去完成它,因為對我來說,我擁有的僅僅只是每天 3-5 個小時的碎片時間,所以 No Code 以及 Martech 工具崛起讓這樣的 Indie Hacking 變得完全可行。

十年前建立 tenten 以來,我的許多興趣都是圍繞在打造產品或是驗證想法上,多年來也累積了不少想法,一直都想把這些想法給做出來。而我們公司的資源也一直卡在客戶的專案上。我也必須確保為家庭騰出時間(我除了陪家人或出國之外幾乎沒有時間浪費在自己的娛樂上, 我曾是一個很瘋狂的 Online Gamer - StarCraft II Protoss 宗師 :gem: - 每週玩 100 個小時常常只是基本而已…)。

而本週首次驗證 Indie Hacking 的概念從想法到打造 MVP 完全是可行的。如果你也是像我一樣在下班後作 Indie Hacking,在你的日常工作之外如何做 Side Hustle? 我想聽聽你的意見。


  • 你如何在工作、家庭、健康和你的項目之間保持平衡的?
  • 你是否設定了具體的目標?如果有,是非常遠大的產品目標,還是更合理的可實現的目標?
  • 你是否有一個固定的時間表,或只在空閑的時候執行?
  • 你是否將你的興趣限制在1到2件事情上?
  • 什麼框架、工具、心態、書籍等等…幫助你實現了這種平衡,或者至少更接近於這種平衡?

#martech #NoCode #sidehustle